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A circular 2 m diameter gate is located on the sloping side of a swimming pool. The side of the pool is oriented 60 degrees relative to the horizontal bottom, and the center of the gate is located 3 m below the water surface. Determine the magnitude of the water force acting on the gate and the point through which it acts.
Water enters a cylindrical tank through two pipes at rates of 250 and 100 gal/min. If the level of the water in the tank remains constant, calculate the average velocity of the flow leaving the tank through an 8 in. inside diameter pipe.
The basic mechanism of the squirt gun shown at right consists of a trigger-driven piston/cylinder, a nozzle, and a tube connecting them. The cylinder diameter D=0.75 cm. The gun is used to shoot water (density p=998 kg/m^3) straight upwards to a height of 8.5 m. What force F is required on the trigger?
The wind blows through a 7 ft x 10 ft garage door opening with a speed of 5 ft/s as shown. Determine the average speeed, V, of the air through the two 3 ft x 4 ft openings in the windows.
For a certain incompressible flow field it is suggested that the velocity components are given by the equations: u=2xy , v=-x^2y , w=0 . Is this a physically possible flow field?
A water jet pump involves a jet cross-sectional area of .01 m^2, and a jet velocity of 30 m/s. The jet is surroundd by entrained water. the total cross-sectional area associated with the jet and entrained streams is .075 m^2. These two fluid streams leave the pump thoroughly mixed with an average velocity of 6 m/s through a cross-sectional area of .075 m^2. Determine the pumping rate (the entrained fluid flowrate) involved in liters/s.
Water flows through a converging/diverging pipe section. Inlet area A(1)=1.25 ft^2 while minimum area A(2)=.5 ft^2. Inlet pressure P(1)=75 lbf/in^2, while pressure at the minimum area P(2)=65 lbf/in^2. What is the volume flow rate through the pipe section?
Biomedical engineers wish to study the flow through an artificial heart valve, but the valve is too small for the flow measurement technique they want to use. The actual valve is circular, with a flow area A=3.00 cm^2. blood flows through the valve with volume flow rate Vdot=300 cm^3/s. The eingineers plan to do tests on an enlarged model valve with a flow area A=25 cm^2 using a clear mineral oil. they wish to keep the Reynolds number in the enlarged model valve the same as that in the actual valve. What volume flow rate should be used in the model valve?
As shown in the figure, at the entrance to a 3-ft wide channel the velocity distribution is uniform with a velocty V. Further dwonstream the velocity profile is given by u=4y-2y^2, where u is in ft/s and y is in ft. Determine the value of V.
Air flows through a circular duct at mass flow rate m(dot)=1.750 kg/min. What is thhe minimum duct diameter that will definitely give laminar flow?
A thin solid sheet is held between an upper plate moving at 7.5 m/s and a lower stationary plate. The sheet is free to move horizontally. The space between the sheet and the upper plate is .2 mm thick and is filled with oil of viscosity .150 Ns/m^2. the space between the sheet and the lower plate is .05 mm thick and is filled with oil of viscosity .350 Ns/m^2. In steady state operation, what is the sheet's velocity?
Air at standard conditions enters the compressor shown in the figure at a rate of 10 ft^3/s. It leaves the tank through a 1.2 in diameter pipe with a density of .0035 slugs/ft^3 and a uniform speed of 700 ft/s. a) Determine the rate (slugs/s) at which the mass of the air in the tank is increasing or decreasing. b) Determine the average time rate of change of air densityh within the tank.
A tube partly filled with gasoline sits in a basin of water as shown in the figure at right. The gasoline floats on the water so that its surface is 3.5 inches above the surface of the water. How far below the surface of the water is the gasoline-water interface?
A domestic water heater contains 65 degree celcius water at 400 kPa gage. There is a small hole in the top of the tank. Neglecting friction: a) what is the height reached by the jet of water coming through the hole? b) What is the velocity of the jet immediately after it emerges from the hole?
Engineers plan to build a pipeline 1,000 km in length to transport water to a drought-stricken region. They wish to have a volume flow rate of 10 million gallons per day, and the maximum pipe diameter they can use is .5 m. The engineers do not wish to place a pump more frequently than every 20 km. The pipe material will be galvanized iron, roughness .15 mm. Determine: a) The average velocity of the water in the pipe and the Reynolds number, b) The pressure gradient along the pipe and the total pressure drop over its full length, c) The power of the pumps at each pumping station, assuming they are thermodynamically recersible.
A domestic water heater contains 150 degree F water at 60 lbf/in^2 gage. Neglecting friction, determine the height reached by a jet of water coming through a small hole in the top of the tank.
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