A living room floor 3 m by 4.5 m is constructed of a layer of oak planks 1.2 cm thick laid over plywood 2.0 cm thick. In winter, the basement air is at 15 C, while the living room air is at 20 C. The heat transfer coefficients on the living room floor and the basement ceiling are 3.6 and 6.8 W/m^2 K, respectiviely. If the home is heated electrically and the cost of electricity is $0.08 per kWh, estimate the cost per month of the energy lost through the floor. If the room is carpeted with wall-to-wall carpeting 1.6 cm thick (k=0.06 W/mK), what would the energy cost be?
A living room floor 3 m by 4.5 m is constructed of a layer of oak planks 1.2 cm thick laid over plywood 2.0 cm thick. In winter, the basement air is at 15 C, while the living room air is at 20 C. The heat transfer coefficients on the living room floor and the basement ceiling are 3.6 and 6.8 W/m^2 K, respectiviely. If the home is heated electrically and the cost of electricity is $0.08 per kWh, estimate the cost per month of the energy lost through the floor. If the room is carpeted with wall-to-wall carpeting 1.6 cm thick (k=0.06 W/mK), what would the energy cost be?